Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Smattering of Pics

 This is my port near my collarbone, it makes chemo easier as far as not going in and out of veins all the time, it will be removed after my treatments...the marks around it are from the bandage thing you see in the next picture....
 and here it is under a bandage as my IV is linked to it....
 This is my pathetic face..(I am tired of all this btw, lol)
 The drugs they mix as I wait, this one isn't allowed to see the light, the brown bag...when this one hangs I know I have one hour left...
 These are all some shots where I'm goofing around in the room, taking pics with my phone as I'm quite bored....so there's my IV, and above I was standing on the chair, and below is my sick sense of humor .....

 and this one here is blurry as you can see ............

 This is the drug that results in hair loss, I still don't think I would have lost my hair, oh well.....lol, I think it depends on the weight of individual and the amount of dosage....I could be wrong about my hair.....ahhh well, I will never know entirely, :)


  1. you are so brave! you look fabolous! you make it seem like treatment is piece of cake! love that sense of humor!

  2. Stay strong friend. You've got this. You can do it!!
